Meaning of 'dula or lla'

m This word is known in Marathi only as the cry of the man who, bearing the &c., runs and dances before the tabut in the Muharram. The word is H Bridegroom or nubile youth, and here indicates Husyn who was killed by Yazid on the night previous to the appointed day of his nuptials. 2 Applied to any rude and overbearing fellow. 3 At gambling games. The second to play. Opp. to miri.

Meaning of दुला or ल्ला

m This word is known in Maráṭhí only as the cry of the man who, bearing the &c., runs and dances before the tábút in the Muharram. The word is H Bridegroom or nubile youth, and here indicates Husyn who was killed by Yazíd on the night previous to the appointed day of his nuptials. 2 Applied to any rude and overbearing fellow. 3 At gambling games. The second to play. Opp. to मिरी.

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