Meaning of 'dunaya or duniya'

f ( P) The world, mankind, folk. Pr. dhanavancuna du0 pangu Money makes the mare to go. Pr. du0 jhukati pana jhukavinara pahije The world indeed is ready to bow and submit; but there must be some one capable of commanding its submission. Pr. du0 dulangi ahe The world is a shifter from side to side.

Meaning of दुनया or दुनिया

f ( P) The world, mankind, folk. Pr. धनावांचून दु0 पंगू Money makes the mare to go. Pr. दु0 झुकती पण झुकविणारा पाहिजे The world indeed is ready to bow and submit; but there must be some one capable of commanding its submission. Pr. दु0 दुलंगी आहे The world is a shifter from side to side.

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