Meaning of 'arada'

f The operation of parching, boiling, and mashing seeds of karadi (Carthamus), Castor &c. to obtain the oil. v ghe. a0 kadhane or nghene g. of o. also ṃaradindaradi nghalane or mpadane (njivala) To worry or weary to death; to vex and harass; to exhaust, consume, waste, knock up. a0 nighane g. of s.: also ṃaradindaradi mpadane To lose substance and strength; to be worn, wearied, spent, fagged, jaded.ṃ

Meaning of अरड

f The operation of parching, boiling, and mashing seeds of करडई (Carthamus), Castor &c. to obtain the oil. v घे. अ0 काढणें or घेणें g. of o. also अरडींदरडीं घालणें or पाडणें (जिवाला) To worry or weary to death; to vex and harass; to exhaust, consume, waste, knock up. अ0 निघणें g. of s.: also अरडींदरडीं पडणें To lose substance and strength; to be worn, wearied, spent, fagged, jaded.

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