Meaning of 'tarati'

f A sack made of tarata. 2 also tarate n A long strip of sackcloth (as to confine a bale, a mbudhala &c. upon a beast). 3 also tarate n (For nkarati) In light or contemptuous phraseology. The skull; answering to pate, poll &c.: also an empty cocoanut.

Meaning of तरटी

f A sack made of तरट. 2 also तरटें n A long strip of sackcloth (as to confine a bale, a बुधला &c. upon a beast). 3 also तरटें n (For करटी) In light or contemptuous phraseology. The skull; answering to pate, poll &c.: also an empty cocoanut.

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