Meaning of 'angaca'

gen. of anga used adj Of the body, material, or substance of; not advectitious or extraneous: as a0 nkhamba A post or pillar formed out of the material (wood, stone &c.) composing the structure; a0 njoda Enlargement springing from the main building or article; addition consisting in further development; angace ndeula A temple carved out of the surrounding substance (rock, earth &c.) 2 Pertaining or relating to self; of one's own body or one's native stock; not derived or acquired. Ex. angaci kala Intrinsic or inherent brilliancy or brightness: also native skill, ingenuity, art, cleverness. a0 mmala (or hataca mala) The dirt of one's body. A term used by the receiver of a gift in depreciating it. Ex. a0 mmala dyayaca nahi He will not give even the dirt of his body. Used of a miser. 3 Of one's own (making, doing, authorship, origination). 4 Of one's own invention, machination, or evil devising; i.e. forged or fabricated. 5 Peculiar or proper to self; personal, private. NOTE.--In variations or modifications of the above senses numerous valuable words occur. Ex. ṃa0 nkalpaka One naturally inventive or ingenious. a0 nkasabi One that by his personal labor and skill makes the common things, executes the common repairs &c. as occasion arises. a0 nkarigara or karagira-ganara-citari &c. An artificer, a singer, a painter &c. of Nature's teaching. a0 njhara A steady spring; a spring independent of supply from rain. a0 ndhani A person free from command or control; one's own master. a0 ṃlihinara One who executes his own writing work (not employing an amanuensis). a0 ṃvakta Eloquent through native talent. a0 ṃsahana Clever or capable by nature. angaci gosta One's personal affair or concern: also a matter of one's own invention or devising. v sanga. angaci buddhi Native sense or understanding.

Meaning of अंगचा

gen. of अंग used adj Of the body, material, or substance of; not advectitious or extraneous: as अं0 खांब A post or pillar formed out of the material (wood, stone &c.) composing the structure; अं0 जोड Enlargement springing from the main building or article; addition consisting in further development; अंगचें देऊळ A temple carved out of the surrounding substance (rock, earth &c.) 2 Pertaining or relating to self; of one's own body or one's native stock; not derived or acquired. Ex. अंगची कळा Intrinsic or inherent brilliancy or brightness: also native skill, ingenuity, art, cleverness. अं0 मळ (or हातचा मळ) The dirt of one's body. A term used by the receiver of a gift in depreciating it. Ex. अं0 मळ द्यायाचा नाहीं He will not give even the dirt of his body. Used of a miser. 3 Of one's own (making, doing, authorship, origination). 4 Of one's own invention, machination, or evil devising; i.e. forged or fabricated. 5 Peculiar or proper to self; personal, private. NOTE.--In variations or modifications of the above senses numerous valuable words occur. Ex. अं0 कल्पक One naturally inventive or ingenious. अं0 कसबी One that by his personal labor and skill makes the common things, executes the common repairs &c. as occasion arises. अं0 कारिगर or कारागीर-गाणारा-चितारी &c. An artificer, a singer, a painter &c. of Nature's teaching. अं0 झरा A steady spring; a spring independent of supply from rain. अं0 धणी A person free from command or control; one's own master. अं0 लिहिणार One who executes his own writing work (not employing an amanuensis). अं0 वक्ता Eloquent through native talent. अं0 शाहणा Clever or capable by nature. अंगची गोष्ट One's personal affair or concern: also a matter of one's own invention or devising. v सांग. अंगची बुद्धि Native sense or understanding.

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