Meaning of 'jatapata'

f (jata Caste, pata Falling.) A comprehensive term for all the particulars of caste and descent. Ex. tyaci jatapata samajalyavancuna amhi panktisa ghenara nahi. 2 (njata & pata by redup.) The caste considered collectively or as assembled together. 3 The dinner to the caste given by an ejected person on his restoration.

Meaning of जातपात

f (जात Caste, पात Falling.) A comprehensive term for all the particulars of caste and descent. Ex. त्याची जातपात समजल्यावांचून आम्ही पंक्तीस घेणार नाहीं. 2 (जात & पात by redup.) The caste considered collectively or as assembled together. 3 The dinner to the caste given by an ejected person on his restoration.

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