Meaning of 'anvayavyapti'

f S In logic. The connection of presence or positiveness, opp. to vyatirekavyapti. The connection of absence or negativeness; the connection or concomitancy of an effect with a cause, or of a positive inference from positive premisses; opp. to the connection of non-result from the absence of an efficient, or of negation in the inference from negation or nullity in the premisses.

Meaning of अन्वयव्याप्ति

f S In logic. The connection of presence or positiveness, opp. to व्यतिरेकव्याप्ति. The connection of absence or negativeness; the connection or concomitancy of an effect with a cause, or of a positive inference from positive premisses; opp. to the connection of non-result from the absence of an efficient, or of negation in the inference from negation or nullity in the premisses.

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