Meaning of 'catuska'

n S catustaya n S An aggregate of four. Numerous learned terms, expressing Aggregate or assemblage, are formed with these words, esp. with the latter; as anthkaranacatustaya, anubandhaca0, avasthaca0, asramaca0, upayaca0, padaca0, purusarthaca0, pramanaca0, yonica0, varnaca0, vakaca0, vyuhaca0, samudra- ca0, sadhanaca0, senangaca0. Such formations, expressing actual classifications of objects or of departments of mental contemplation, are valuable, and will appear in order.

Meaning of चतुष्क

n S चतुष्टय n S An aggregate of four. Numerous learned terms, expressing Aggregate or assemblage, are formed with these words, esp. with the latter; as अंतःकरणचतुष्टय, अनुबंधच0, अवस्थाच0, आश्रमच0, उपायच0, पदच0, पुरुषार्थच0, प्रमाणच0, योनिच0, वर्णच0, वाकच0, व्यूहच0, समुद्र- च0, साधनच0, सेनांगच0. Such formations, expressing actual classifications of objects or of departments of mental contemplation, are valuable, and will appear in order.

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