Meaning of 'anamata'

f ( A) A deposit; any thing committed to the charge of another. 2 fig. An article merely noted down in the leger, not brought to regular account. Ex. of comp. a0 rakama-jama- kharca-khate-njhada-hiseba. 3 ad (As an article lying in deposit.) Without being brought into consumption, use, enjoyment; as unimpaired or unaltered by use or touch; as it was; in statu quo. Ex. tumhi dhanya thevuna gela nte ajuna majhe ghari a0 padale ṃahe; sari jindagi vatuna ghetali sete mmatra a0 rahili aheta. 4 Just as it is; i.e. steadily, softly, without agitating or shaking. Ex. hi bharaleli duta a0 ucaluna theva. See acanaka for other senses.

Meaning of अनामत

f ( A) A deposit; any thing committed to the charge of another. 2 fig. An article merely noted down in the leger, not brought to regular account. Ex. of comp. अ0 रकम-जमा- खर्च-खातें-झाडा-हिशेब. 3 ad (As an article lying in deposit.) Without being brought into consumption, use, enjoyment; as unimpaired or unaltered by use or touch; as it was; in statu quo. Ex. तुम्ही धान्य ठेवून गेलां ते अजून माझे घरी अ0 पडलें आहे; सारी जिंदगी वाटून घेतली शेतें मात्र अ0 राहिली आहेत. 4 Just as it is; i.e. steadily, softly, without agitating or shaking. Ex. ही भरलेली दऊत अ0 उचलून ठेव. See अचानक for other senses.

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