Meaning of 'aklesa'

ad (S) Without pains, cares, toils, troubles; easily, freely, smoothly. 2 Or aklesi Wholly, utterly, altogether, quite, without any portion remaining. Used with verbs expressing ruin, loss, injury, spoliation &c.: as mbudane, mbhangane, mbagane, nnasane, mmarane, njane. Applied often as ṃagadi q.v.

Meaning of अक्लेश

ad (S) Without pains, cares, toils, troubles; easily, freely, smoothly. 2 Or अक्लेशीं Wholly, utterly, altogether, quite, without any portion remaining. Used with verbs expressing ruin, loss, injury, spoliation &c.: as बुडणें, भंगणें, बागणें, नासणें, मरणें, जाणें. Applied often as अगदी q.v.

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