Meaning of 'gagana'

n (S) The sky or heavens. gagana kampane or nthararane (Trembling of the heavens.) Figure used in describing a fierce or terrible person. ngaganasi ngantha bandhane-ṃlavane To soar high, i. e. to perform exploits; to achieve prodigies and marvels. ngaganasi mbhandane To emulate the skies;--used of a tall tree, a proud man &c. ngaganasi ndivasa bhandane (To resist the too early closing in of the evening-sky.) To stretch out in summer-length: also to be just beginning to decline--the day. ngaganasarakha or gaganaevadha Much prolonged, extended, spread abroad--the day, affairs, an establishment &c. Pr. gaganasarakhi maitri tilabarabara nate (mbarobara hota nahi). ngagani ndiva lavane To become very celebrated or public.ṃ

Meaning of गगन

n (S) The sky or heavens. गगन कांपणें or थरारणें (Trembling of the heavens.) Figure used in describing a fierce or terrible person. गगनाशीं गांठ बांधणें-लावणें To soar high, i. e. to perform exploits; to achieve prodigies and marvels. गगनाशीं भांडणें To emulate the skies;--used of a tall tree, a proud man &c. गगनाशीं दिवस भांडणें (To resist the too early closing in of the evening-sky.) To stretch out in summer-length: also to be just beginning to decline--the day. गगनासारखा or गगनाएवढा Much prolonged, extended, spread abroad--the day, affairs, an establishment &c. Pr. गगनासारखी मैत्री तिळाबराबर नातें (बरोबर होत नाहीं). गगनीं दिवा लावणें To become very celebrated or public.

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