Meaning of 'khau'

a (khane) In comp. and with contemptuous implication. That eats: also fig. that receives, sustains, undergoes. Ex. ṃaphimakhau, bhangakhau, marakhau, khetarakhau, lancakhau, kodagekhau, khapara- khau, matikhau, pranakhau, hujjatakhau, huramatakhau, paisekhau, malakhau, battakhau, vyajakhau. Of this class of formations only the most current or of the most serviceable significance will occur in order. They are created at will, and are numberless.

Meaning of खाऊ

a (खाणें) In comp. and with contemptuous implication. That eats: also fig. that receives, sustains, undergoes. Ex. अफीमखाऊ, भांगखाऊ, मारखाऊ, खेटरखाऊ, लांचखाऊ, कोडगेखाऊ, खापर- खाऊ, मातीखाऊ, प्राणखाऊ, हुज्जतखाऊ, हुरमतखाऊ, पैसेखाऊ, मालखाऊ, बट्टाखाऊ, व्याजखाऊ. Of this class of formations only the most current or of the most serviceable significance will occur in order. They are created at will, and are numberless.

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