Meaning of 'khada'

m A small stone, a pebble. 2 A nodule (of lime &c.): a lump or bit (as of gum, assafoetida, catechu, sugar-candy): the gem or stone of a ring or trinket: a lump of hardened faeces or scybala: a nodule or lump gen. 3 A minor dhepa or mass of gula. 4 A radius of an umbrella-frame. khada udane g. of s. (The leaping up of the nkhada of a gudagudi when the tobacco is smoked out.) To be utterly spent or consumed--money, materials. khada takuna thava ghene (To try the bottom by casting in a pebble.) To try, by some little experiment or effort, the nature or quality of. nkhada phutane Expresses the opening of the rock and the gushing forth of water. Ex. nnadica khada or jaminica khada ajhuna phutala nahi. nkhade khane (To eat pebbles.) To toil, drudge, or suffer annoyance and vexation (as in a troublesome business). nkhade khavavine or ncarane (To feed with pebbles.) To annoy, harass, worry, oppress grievously. nkhade ghasane or mphodane (nnavane g. of o.) To be excited into fury at the mention of. 2 (Without nnavane) To toil, drudge, fag. nkhade mojane To reckon with (calculi) pebbles, to calculate. nkhadya khadyani ndoke mphutane g. of s. (To have one's head broken by many stones.) It is not one thing but many little things which bankrupt or ruin a man. nkhadyanni ndoke mphodane To throw stones at a man's head (lightly and gently) by way of expiating his sin of having killed a cow by throwing a stone at her. nkhadyasarakha nivadane To cast out or reject as worthless. And nkhadyasara- kha bahera padane To fall out or aside as worthless.ṃ

Meaning of खडा

m A small stone, a pebble. 2 A nodule (of lime &c.): a lump or bit (as of gum, assafœtida, catechu, sugar-candy): the gem or stone of a ring or trinket: a lump of hardened fæces or scybala: a nodule or lump gen. 3 A minor ढेप or mass of गूळ. 4 A radius of an umbrella-frame. खडा उडणें g. of s. (The leaping up of the खडा of a गुडगुडी when the tobacco is smoked out.) To be utterly spent or consumed--money, materials. खडा टाकून ठाव घेणें (To try the bottom by casting in a pebble.) To try, by some little experiment or effort, the nature or quality of. खडा फुटणें Expresses the opening of the rock and the gushing forth of water. Ex. नदीचा खडा or जमिनीचा खडा अझून फुटला नाहीं. खडे खाणें (To eat pebbles.) To toil, drudge, or suffer annoyance and vexation (as in a troublesome business). खडे खावविणें or चारणें (To feed with pebbles.) To annoy, harass, worry, oppress grievously. खडे घासणें or फोडणें (नावानें g. of o.) To be excited into fury at the mention of. 2 (Without नावानें) To toil, drudge, fag. खडे मोजणें To reckon with (calculi) pebbles, to calculate. खड्या खड्यानीं डोकें फुटणें g. of s. (To have one's head broken by many stones.) It is not one thing but many little things which bankrupt or ruin a man. खड्यांनीं डोकें फोडणें To throw stones at a man's head (lightly and gently) by way of expiating his sin of having killed a cow by throwing a stone at her. खड्यासारखा निवडणें To cast out or reject as worthless. And खड्यासार- खा बाहेर पडणें To fall out or aside as worthless.

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