Meaning of 'antaryama'

n (S) The inner soul or spirit. 2 The heart, figuratively. a0 nkalavalane g. of s. To have one's bowels yearn. ṃantaryamince nduhkha antaryamasa thauka The heart knows its own bitterness (or plague). antaryamasa daga basane or ṃlagane To sustain some heavy shock of affliction. ṃantaryaminci khuna antaryamasa thauka One's inward experiences or workings are known to one's own consciousness; or one's conscience accuseth or excuseth. antaryaminci khuna aila thauka One's inward workings or stirrings are known to one's mother. antaryami ntapa basane To have deep-seated fever. ṃanta- ryami ṃradane To weep in one's secret soul. ṃantaryami ṃvasa karane To enter deeply and be absorbed. Mem. All the above phrases employ more frequently the corrupted form of this word, ṃantrama.

Meaning of अंतर्याम

n (S) The inner soul or spirit. 2 The heart, figuratively. अं0 कळवळणें g. of s. To have one's bowels yearn. अंतर्यामींचें दुःख अंतर्यामास ठाऊक The heart knows its own bitterness (or plague). अंतर्यामास डाग बसणें or लागणें To sustain some heavy shock of affliction. अंतर्यामींची खूण अंतर्यामास ठाऊक One's inward experiences or workings are known to one's own consciousness; or one's conscience accuseth or excuseth. अंतर्यामींची खूण आईला ठाऊक One's inward workings or stirrings are known to one's mother. अंतर्यामीं ताप बसणें To have deep-seated fever. अंत- र्यामीं रडणें To weep in one's secret soul. अंतर्यामीं वास करणें To enter deeply and be absorbed. Mem. All the above phrases employ more frequently the corrupted form of this word, अंत्राम.

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